

Teeth Whitening Albany, OR

Everyone deserves a smile that they can be proud of. One of the most common ways to enhance a smile is through teeth whitening. Professional whitening achieves long-lasting results by removing stains and discoloration.

Teeth whitening can help you achieve a brighter, more beautiful smile. West Albany Dental offers teeth whitening procedures in Albany and the surrounding area so you can smile with confidence. Call us at (541) 249-7319 to learn more about our services or schedule an appointment.


Benefits of Teeth Whitening at the Dentist’s Office

Teeth whitening at the dentist’s office is the safest and most effective method of achieving whiter teeth. In-office whitening occurs under carefully monitored conditions. Teeth whitening under professional supervision allows for safe, controlled, pain-free treatment.

Professional whitening products use a stronger concentration of hydrogen peroxide than over-the-counter products. Thus the whitening process takes less time to achieve better results. Treatment under a dentist’s care ensures that sensitive gums are not irritated during the whitening process. The results should be long-lasting with careful oral hygiene practices.

What to Expect at the Consultation

Before the teeth whitening procedure, people will need to attend a consultation. This appointment will allow the patient to discuss their dental history, overall health, and teeth goals. It is also crucial to bring up any ongoing dental issues, such as teeth and gum problems that will require treatment before teeth whitening can occur.

We will also examine the patient’s teeth to see if they will benefit from whitening treatments. It is important to note that existing dental work, such as crowns and veneers, will not respond to conventional whitening agents. If treatments are a viable option, we will help determine which whitening product or technique will be the most effective.

Teeth Whitening Treatment Length

Teeth whitening done in the office is the quickest method to whiten teeth. People can achieve much brighter teeth more quickly in-office because the concentration of bleaching solution is much stronger than other options. Professional teeth whitening requires an appointment.

Teeth can get three to eight shades whiter with several 30 to 60-minute sessions. Other tooth whitening treatments are available that can whiten teeth in a single two-hour session. People interested in teeth whitening should contact us for information about the available treatment options.

Who Should Get Teeth Whitening at the Dentist

Teeth whitening at the dentist is best for people with moderate to severe discoloration and staining. These stains can occur due to aging, smoking, medications, and certain foods and drinks. People with yellow or brown discoloration on their teeth are ideal candidates for professional teeth whitening. Pregnant and lactating women should also not receive teeth whitening.

We do not recommend teeth whitening for people with gum disease, worn down enamel, and existing decay. Cavities and damage will require treatment before a person can whiten their teeth. People with teeth that are gray or purple may not respond to bleaching. People interested in teeth whitening can speak with our team to determine the best-suited options for their needs.

Follow-Up Care

Although professional teeth whitening is not permanent, people can help their results last longer with proper care and maintenance. People should avoid smoking and food and drinks that stain teeth, such as coffee, tea, or red wine. It is also essential to brush teeth twice a day, floss daily, and use mouthwash to reduce plaque.

People can also use whitening toothpaste as per the dentist’s recommendation, such as Colgate Total SF Fresh + Whitening ™ Toothpaste, hello® Naturally Whitening Toothpaste, or Colgate® Optic White® Toothpaste. Keep up with regular dental appointments for teeth cleaning. Patients can discuss touch-up treatments at six-month intervals with our team.

Frequently Asked Questions

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